Josep M Picas
European Association of Healthcare IT Managers, Spain
Title: Big data and cognitive computing at point of care. A big challenge: How we should manage it at the primary care?
Biography: Josep M Picas
These last few years, the interest that has aroused Big Data in all the sectors is very impressive. Nowadays, we are able to manage efficiently a huge quantity of data and this has affected very positively many fields of the society: economic, business, politics. But when it comes to introducing TIC in Healthcare Sector, as we know, everything is more complicated because of the fear of “industrializing” healthcare, which is a clear barrier - sometimes “unbeatable” – to the use of technologies within the sector. Some advances have been achieved in computerization, DSS, imaging, telehealth, but we are still not taking advantage of the huge quantity of data we have. In any case, things are moving and Big Data and cognitive computing are on the way of a promising future, as we can see in oncology.Nowadays, nobody discusses the actual and future role of Primary Care, and some advances have been achieved on the field of computerization. However, it is still not enough and there is an urgent need to go further. Clinicians are facing a lot of problems, don’t feel comfortable in their positions and patients are more exigent than ever. Maybe we should begin to set the basis for the use of these technologies on this point of care. The proposal is to open the reflexion on this point and promote the discussion and collaboration to advance in this topic.