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Gisele Roesems-Kerremans

Gisele Roesems-Kerremans

European Commission DG CNECT, Belgium

Title: The EC\'s activities in mHealth


Biography: Gisele Roesems-Kerremans


mHealth has the potential to play a key role in our daily life. However, further clarification is needed on the applicable legal framework and questions about the use of the data collected through mHealth applications by individuals and medical professionals. The challenges include ensuring that the market for health and wellbeing apps meets the citizens demands for quality and transparency. In the European Commission eHealth Action Plan 2012-2020, current and potential benefits of mHealth apps, and potential associated risks were recognized and a broad-scale consultation process with stakeholders was launched (Green Paper) on existing barriers related to mHealth deployment. As a follow up to the Green Paper the European Commission has envisaged to engage with the stakeholders to work on follow-up actions building on the results of the public consultation. In particular privacy, safety, quality and reliability, and linking health apps to the electronic health records are in the focus.

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